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  • Julia Fagundus

Embrace Your Royal Identity

In the last newsletter, I hinted at the deeper story behind the name RoyalKIND. Today, I’m excited to share the story....

I was sitting in my living room recliner, laptop in hand, brainstorming names for my “to be” publishing company. I looked over at a canvas, filled with words chosen by our kids to describe our family. This painting, who many would not find “wall worthy” held a special place in my heart, so it was proudly displayed on one of our book shelves. “Royal” and “Kind” immediately stood out. I wasn’t sure why at the time, but the two words together seemed like the perfect name.

I took a leap of faith and RoyalKIND was born.

While creating RoyalKIND, I heard a whisper that grew louder with each passing day:

"I want my people to know who they were created to be: Royalty. I want my people to know what they are equipped to do: be KIND."

I looked at the canvas again, and for the first time, I saw a cross shining from it.

Was God was wanting me to communicate something with the actual name, RoyalKIND?

At first, I hesitated, thinking. "Lord, I'm just trying to publish children's books.” But the whisper persisted, and I realized this was about something far greater than stories on paper.

I was intimidated. I didn’t have all the answers. I didn’t know exactly how to make it happen, but I did know Who had the answers, and I felt a strong sense to obey and trust, even if it’s just for an audience of one.

So here I am, sharing a message that’s close to my heart:

You are Royalty:

You are Known, Chosen, and Loved.

You are equipped to be KIND:

You have the power to change someone’s world for the better in an instant.

This isn't just a nice sentiment - it's your God-given identity. 1 Peter 2:9 declares that His children are ROYALTY. Ephesians 2:10 and Hebrews 13:21 assure us that we are equipped for every good work.

You, dear friend *|FNAME|*, are created for a purpose far greater than you may realize.

Romans 8:38-39 assures us that nothing in this world can separate us from God’s love. When children grasp this, they start to understand their unshakable identity, one that doesn’t depend on the applause or validation from others (aka - social media likes).

I don't think it was a coincidence that RoyalKIND was created from a family painting.

I will forever be thankful to these three for bringing out the best in me (and maybe a few grey hairs, but that's another day, another blog post :)).

Romans 8:38-39 assures us that nothing in this world can separate us from God’s love. When children grasp this, they start to understand their unshakable identity, one that doesn’t depend on the applause or validation from others (aka - social media likes).


Simple Tip to Share:

You are Royalty: Known, Chosen, Loved.

You are equipped to be KIND: You have the power to change

someone’s world for the better in an instant.

Keep sharing this message with your loved ones. When we truly understand it, confidence blossoms and inner kindness naturally shines brighter because you realize you are cherished beyond measure, just as you are.

*I'm inviting you to join me on this mission. You are equipped to spread this message too! It can be as simple as sharing a hug, forwarding this email, or wearing one of our message tees. As 1 Corinthians 3:7 reminds us, we're called to plant and water the seeds... and trust that God will bring the growth!

Do you have any ideas to help in spreading this message? I would love to hear them. Comment below!

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